Wednesday 29 August 2012

During labor : hypnobirth breathing technique

There's a blog i always follow asking on labor breathing technique, so I figure, let's share the hypnobirth way!

well, there's three types of breathing.All to be used at the different phases of labor.

First - the relaxation breathing. This is used, well, as the name recommends, to relax. Aside from when contraction hits, or delivering the baby, this type of breathing is to be used at all times.And best of all, this can be used well after labor. In your everyday life, when you are tensed, feel that temper raising, horrible bowel movement while waiting for your loo turn (heheheheh), use this technique
Technique : breathe in through the nose while quietly counting from one to seven (macam kira satu saat, dua saat tiga saat), then breathe out through the nose again, while quietly counting from one to seven. the key here is to focus on the counting. This helps distract you from the pain.

Second - while having contraction. Once you feel a contraction coming,use this breathing. It's a very slow breathing, and requires practise. It is best to practise 4 weeks before your EDD.
Technique : breathe in through your nose, while quietly counting from one to eight, the VERY, VERY SLOWLY release (breathe out) while quietly counting from one to TWENTY. When I first started, by the fourteen count dah habis dah breathe out semua udara. hahaha that's why one must practise this technique earlier. But, do not cheat and hold your breath semata2 nak sampaikan kiraan 20 tu. you must slowly release the air. This technique makes your body totally relax n lembut, so you will not clench or keraskan your body when contraction comes. Bila badan keras contraction becomes even more painful. So dont grab that bed railing (or your husband's arm ahahha), instead lembutkan badan and relax, slowly breathe sampai contraction passed.
Birth partner/husband's role : husband's can play their part in this technique. Discuss with your husband what signal to use to show you're having contraction. Cuit tgn ke, tepuk tilam he will know what you are experiencing at the moment. try not to talk, because this takes your energy and distract your concentration. Husbands can then help by counting 1-8, then 1-20, to help you to stay focus and back on track. Having assistance like this help prevent you from 'losing it'

Third : when pushing the baby out. Really, this one is the trickiest as it is opposite from what hospitals practise. In hypnobirth, you are recommended to breathe out the baby, and not use your might to push out. But, best follow your doctor since I am not a liscenced hypnobirth trainer. Still, I shall share the method anyway.
Technique : breathe in while quietly (dalam hati) counting from one to seven. Then breathe out quickly as if you are breathing the baby out. This also requires practise, and best part is, the only almost real situation when you can practise is when pooping. hehehhe infact, when you are done delivering the baby, this technique can still be used everytime you poop! hahahah! When you are on the toilet seat feeling an urge to pass motion, breathe in counts of eight, then breathe down! this way, your body is relaxed and not stiff/clenched, so passing is easier.
This works,really. go try.hahahah

nota kaki : i wouldnt recommend holding your breathe at any time as oxygen supply is crucial to keep baby calm and oxygen sampai to baby's brain. I also wouldnt recommend breathing through the mouth as it tires you out faster and tekak/mulut cepat kering.pastu dahaga. Also I wouldnt recommend breathing in gulps of air, because it makes you kelam kabut and breathing tak smooth. I feel that steady and consistant breathing helps keep baby calm and relaxed, so dia lahir pun relax saja tak marah marah.

InsyaAllah, practising hypnobirth breathing shall ease the delivery process by a mile, and help you stay relaxed and calm. You wont even remember to ask for epidural, because you are too busy focusing on your breathing, counting, and trusting your body's ability to birth naturally.

Good luck dear ceeramoon. May Allah Swt Makes it easy for you.Amin.

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