Wednesday 12 September 2012

Maryam's funny language

Well, my baby girl has turned 16 months a few days ago. hey only 2 months shy of her 18th month birthday!
Her speech is getting clearer, more vocab of course, communication is easier.
"do you want ayer (water) maryam?"
"do you love abah?"
"do you love mama?"
*quiet, no reply*
hey not fair! I guess we still have a lot to work on eh.heheh.we'll get there.

It gets easier. she tells you where she has pain, what she wants, what she doesnt want.
not necessarily verbal all the time. I suppose a screamin' does count as communication! heh!

funny thing about her, she has started jumbling the syllable of some words. we experienced this with my niece, safya, last time when she was around this age.
And now maryam is going through this 'phase'.although it sure is funny!
and this happens when she gets excited and rushed her speech
she would go;

calling her aunt "mak ngah!mak ngah!ngahma!"
showing off her mosquito bite "mama, namuk, namuk, manuk"
even saying her own name " manyam.manyam.nyamam"

Super funny. we laughed our heads off when she's not looking, and listening. she makes the house merry!


i have been keeping this entry for five days!
sorry life has been a bit hectic
and i still cant figure out how to upload pictures here using iPad
buta apple sgt saya ni
maryam came down with a fever n cold a couple of days ago
but she is perfectly fine now
still quite a handful!
till then!

1 comment:

  1. i don't think we can upload photo from ipad? ive tried...tak boleh kan? hihihih...i also dunno :)
