Sunday 29 July 2012

her father's predicament

One day, Maryam was being her normal self. Active, running about, chattering non stop. I had to go into the kitchen to cook, so i left her father in charge. After a while, the father complained;

Father "ma, abah geram la kat maryam ni.taknak duduk diam.lari sana lari sini.geram la" Mother "takpe la.buat mcm mama.mama kalau geram kat maryam ma doa dlm hati -Ya Allah ya tuhanku,berikanlah aku kesabaran menjaga maryam,supaya dia bersabar menjaga aku bila aku tua nanti"
Father "Ala takpe.dia xnak jaga nanti,abah nak duduk rumah org tua"

Tsk tsk.that bad?issokay abah,we'll come visit.heheheheh

Friday 27 July 2012

Maryam's vocabulary!

What (normal) mom is not proud of their child's progress right?
even her jumping (or attempt to!)makes me proud.For i really am weird like that.

So, Maryam' first word is around 4-5 months. much to my dismay.haha
Fret not, mama followed soon enough.
Her funniest vocab is "Betul betul besar, yowwww" which means betul betul besar ye, at around 12 months. ke eleven entah.tak berapa ingat. she was watching animal planet with her abah. They were watching a bear serie n abah said "betul betul besar ye bear tuuu"
and she parrot after him and been using the line eversince on lorries.
eg: a huge lorry passes by "loyi! loyi! beto beto besa yowwww"
we would crack up in the car like no other!!

most of her vocabs are courtesy of yours truly, then acik (SIL, she lives with us, n also maryam's best friend), then abah.

so here goes.the maryam-saurus, complete with translation:

abah : abah
mama : mama
aciiik : acik (SIL)
atok bak : atok bak, FIL
aiyyer : air
boi : ball
moi : mole
loyi: lorry
noh : nose
aii : eye
nak : nak
nanak : taknak
nangan : jangan
no niii : no need
buk : book
ship : sheep
bi : bee
layi : lari
datuh : jatuh
batah : basah
petah : pecah
berd : bird
muuiii : moon
titiek : owh well.tetek la apa lagi hehehe
bids : beads
mit : oven mitt
nana : banana
ipet : ipad
bata bata sa : bukak youtube lagu alif bata
bi si bi si : bukak youtube lagu a b c
amiinnn / aminnaaa : amin after doa
awwabat : allahuakbar/ solat
bye bye : bye bye
bibi : baby
no no no : no
nenek : nenek, which is a mystery to all cos none of us taught her n she calls none of her granma that.and she says that over n over at taska.adakah nenek mistik nak bekawan dgn anak aku?
manni : money, bills or shilling
denching : dancing
tacih : terima kasih
dok : dog
namuk : nyamuk
dodok : duduk
tido : tidur
tu : shoe
awetu / tu pe :ape tu / tu ape

well, i think that pretty much it kot.come auguskt she'll be fifteen months! yay!
mama n abah love you, kiddo!

baby food recipe!

Seriously, the title above is a joke.
I am a bad cook for adult food, but i am really not bad in the baby food department.
But then again i think this self confidence really come from my baby enjoying the food i made so much.
But then again maybe because she eats anything n everything. (this she takes after me)

Weeeellll, assuming the food is actually goooood, i want to share the meals i made her.
There is no recipe. What kind of misleading title is this ,no? hehehehe

I loooooove feeding her fish though i try my best to stay away from large fish.
Foods that she likes most : fish, broccoli, mushroom (any kind), cherry tomatoes

I normally just dump everything in n add water, voila!
I stay away from salt n sugar so i make sure the vegetables used for the soup/stew has some level of sweetness to them.
I love giving her broccoli, cauliflower, enoki, pumpkin,cherry tomatoes, yellow onion, baby carrots, sweet potatoes, corn for these veggies are sweet on their own.
I always made sure there are at least 3 kind of veggie in one dish.
The combos i like are :

chicken, broccoli, onion, enoki, baby carrots

chicken, potatoes , baby carrots, oyster mushroom, onion

Fish, onion, tatoes, cauliflower, corn (the normal ones, not the baby ones)

beef, shiitake, baby carrots, onion, ginger, tatoes

chicken pumpkin, carrots, onion, cauliflower

well, the combo is endless, though i feel some type of veg n shrooms goes better with some types of protein, and not to have more than 2 sweet tasting veggie in a dish,or it will get a bit confusing for the palate!

once, a makcik comments on how i dont put sugar n salt in baby's meal, like so;

" we need to train their taste buds so that when they get bigger the dont find the salt n sugar taste weird. also they need the vitamin from sugar n salt so their body wont be derived off them"

*awkward silent*

What vitamin la makcikkkk..what are u talking about la..cock n bull.


Hey people!

have u heard of hypnobirth? well, u should! because hypnobirth will get you asking epidural whatttttt?

ha best gila my line, i belong in advertising.not. anyway, i lovvvveeee hypnobirth so this is a must share topic!
Lets see. how does my love story with hypnobirth begins?well, i was then pregnant and naturally started reading up on birth experience. true enough, most of the stories revolve around birthing being super painful, how epidural is a lifesaver, the works.
Now, I am such a wuss and have low tolerance to pain. I wanted to claim super low tolerance but i know there are poeple who are worse than me out there, so lets settle for just low.hahaha
so, I was starting to include epidural cost in my hospital budget. I was so sure im going to resort to epidural!
And then one day, a true wuss that i am, i googled PAINLESS BIRTH. If there's anyone out there who has done this before.then, hypnobirth is definitely for you.For i can imagine how scared u are of childbirth. mana la ada org begitu berharap n penakut gila n desperate smpai google such impossible key words kan.
that's how i came across hypnobirth. i read it up n contacted the only Malaysia practitioner, Soo Wai Han. u can find her at It was March. I delivered on the 1st of may. Alhamdulillah it was in the nick of time! I had enough time to practise n prepare!
Wai Han's classes are only available in Selangor, so i had no choice but to buy the book. I had 1 months plus to train myself with the hypnobirth technique. I was so into hypnobirth and natural birth. I even wanted to deliver at home. hahahah But since this is the first experience, i opted for hospital.
I managed to train DH since he's going to be my birth partner.We practise breathing, massages, discussed signs of delivery and such.
As much as i love the book, Im sure attending the class would be much much much better.
But i find the book super helpful, nonetheless.
Hypnobirth basically belief that u are able to control the level of pain u are experiencing through relaxation n breathing techniques. Come to think of it, how do you think some people gave birth quietly in the toilet, that even the person in the next cubicle was unable to tell?
As a matter of observation, DH keeps telling me he does not get how other mother's birthing experience is so scary when mine was easy. I almost smacked him. Trust me, it might look easy and undercontrol to people around you, but was it really. NO FREAKING WAY. and thats the beauty of hypnobirth!
So i suggest u prego women who are unable to attend the the class to get the book from the website! super empowering!! expecially you penakuts out there!hahahah
ok toodles!later: my birthing experience!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

poor little baby..

hey i just realize i havent finished my ipoh trip story! shall find time to do that. With photos hopefully! been meaning to upload photos here so wait for it.
Im on my way back to JB from putrjaya, tired. need to take baby girl cos she's been coughing n having a bit of cold. poor thing.But she's otherwise fine. active as ever with serious appetite. Dont let the slim figure fool ya.That girl can REALLY eat.
typing in a moving car is making me super dizzy. So toodles!

Monday 23 July 2012

the greatest birthday gift ever : a baby!

I would love to share the story of how we found out we concieved. i have been reading on ttc forums n blogs like forever hoping i would one day have a story to tell.
and Allahuakbar, i did.
it was the holy month of Ramadhan of 2010. my family and i was going to see my brother off to the U.S to study. We gathered at my uncle's place at bandar putra mahkota (ok im not so sure now but its close to KLIA). DH couldnt make it cos of work. I was expecting aunt flow anyday cos my cycle was pretty regular. At noon there was a light spotting. Light brown in color n really small. there she is, i thought. so i broke my fast in the middle of the day, and ate up my niece's kfc hahahah..well, tak boleh puasa kan, then why not?!
so we all went to the airport to wave him bye bye n later than night, i was puzzled as the spot didnt was just like when i first noticed it. so i bathe, did my prayers and fast the next day. mom was asking me how come ur praying n such. well i said i dont know, the darned thing stopped.
and i waited and waited and the excitement built cos hey no period!!!
so on the fifth day aunt flow was expected, at lunch hour, i went to get the hpt n test right away at the office loo. the second line appeared right away and grew darker.
i was laughing in the loo. so excited n nervous n the fact took time to set in.
since we only saw each other on weekends, so its quite easy to tell the day of conception.
turned out it was a couple of days after my birthday.
Happy birthday to me, thank you Allah, and 40 weeks later, hello my love!
turns out my mom kind of guessed it. of course she would.she's been pregnant n gave birth TEN times!

infertility : the struggle 3

I seriously need to get it going with this infertility series..
i'd like to continue about the HSG procedure.
went to the hospital with husband to get it done only to be refused by the lab people since we had had intercourse between menstruation to the day of procedure.
well, we werent informed. we wanted to do it, get ot out of the way. so the doctor called his boss whos a specialist to talk to us.
A very nice religious man, lembut je cakap.
he said we should know that should we have concieved and didnt know that n had the hsg anyway, we cant keep the baby because of the xray exposure.
wait now. I knew it was not going to be that easy to concieve, and told the doctor thank you sir but i know its now going to be as easy hahahah. so he said ok n let us do it.
the xray was perfect alhamdulillah no blockage n such.
we were relieved. i did the procedure at hospital sultan ismail n the people there were amazing,thank you.
the next appointment, the doctor sat down with us to disscuss the test results.
everything to their knowledge is fine. so my condition falls under 'unexplained infertility'. meaning yeah there might be somthing wrong with you but we wont know it. turns out there are other conditions that the Lppkn didnt have the means to detect.
one of the possibility is my uterus environment could be hostile to the sperm, killing them everytime they enter. which sounds like the condition that monica character from FREINDS had.but they cant know for sure.
so the doctor put us on clomid (fertility pill) to get the eggs bigger n produce more than one egg per cycle. we tried 2 rounds of clomid before that n it didnt work. so we had a feeling this time isnt going to work neither. true enough it didnt, so we resorted to IUI. Thats for intrauterine insemination.
We were elated n was hoping to concieved twins! pretty Ambitious huh hahaahh
and no the IUI didnt work. aunt flow came. to be honest we werent that dissapointed, as we know it just means we have to try harder. God willing, it will happen, we were sure.
then i got transfered to putrajaya n DH stayed in JB. then i wasnt so sure anymore.
we only get to see each other on weekends, so hows this going to work.
i sat husband down n told him,maybe we should adopt. maybe God didnt mean for us to concieve. Maybe God has bigger plans for us by adopting. I was okay, contented n redha.
husband didnt really fancy the idea. he wanted to wait. by then we have been married for 4 years and seriously trying for 2 years.
i said fine, by the time im 30, if i havent concieved, im adopting! hahaha i made up my mind.
and then we concieved. just like that. Allah is truly Great. Alhamdulillah.
and so we are now trying for our second one. and should it is fated that we were only to have this one only, insya Allah im going to consider adopting.theres so many children in the world who need love, and i have so much love to give.
And so we began our journey to try to concieve baby #2. send your doa our way ye!

I am lopsided

hi i am lopsided today.
Have to got to putrajaya for a morning meeting today.
normally DH n sil cares for the little miss while i was gone.
the thing is since its ramadhan, with sahur and all, with baby always pulling acts during sahur n DH's haywire working hours, and the SiL being 8 months preggers, we had to send little miss balik kampung to kota tinggi
and it broke my heart. yes, i suffer from super clingy mother syndrome
so after work, i took little miss n sil back to kota, one hour drive.
and after iftar, tried putting her to sleep with yours truly tertido sama
i woke up shocked cos its already 1 am, smothered the crying little miss with kisses n drove home with sil. i feel so sorry for her having to follow me around being so advance in pregnancy n all. God bless her!
took a nap n got ready, and left home at 6am.
only to be informed by office theres a laaaaast minit meeting tomorrow, here, at 9.30 am..

hello, efficient sikit can or already here.with no baju whatsoever.malas fikir.
anyway since little miss didnt nurse this morning n i couldnt locate my pump, well, hasnt been pumping since baby turned 8 months. yes im lazy, i know ha ha

and so my boobs all swollen now n since one side produces more than the other, im lopsided now.
guess its time to marmet.

Friday 20 July 2012

oy oy tutorial please...

I am having quite a hard time figuring how to make this blog look nice. Looking forward to pop in my baby's picture to light up the dull layout. But as for now it's the end of work for the day and i am going to head to the nursery to pick up little baby. I need to work on my infertility entry though. Coming soon coming soonnnn!!

First Ramadhan with a toddler!

welcome Ramadhan!The holiest month for muslim all over the world. i have been very nervous of how fasting month is going to be this year. Last year's Ramadhan, dear daughter was only 3 mo. Not much hassle i remembered. but this year she's a "you cant put me down woman!!" 14 months old toddler. For sahur this morning she decided to wake up the same time i did. 3 am! Tried to put her back to sleep but when she started getting up, stood in the middle of the bed and started singing, i know its a lost battle. Well now, the father wouldnt wake up (dont get me started on him!). so had to take the toddler into the kitchen. She refuse to be put down and the trusted boba carrier was in the car (must remember to keep in the house throughout Ramadhan), so i had to cook (from scratch mind you) with one hand while another holding her. Broke an egg on the floor, and managed to whip up rice, a chicken dish, omelette, a mushroom dish. In 45 minutes. Im tough, im telling you. had my sahur, fed toddler at same time, changed her, only then she went back to sleep. tiring tiring dawn! Didnt even managed to recite the quran n actually scolded little girl a few times. sigh.kept my cool all the while only to lost it on the first day of Ramadhan. the month when you are required to be more patient n improve oneself. Ironic.Lets hope things go smoother tomorrow. As for now, im telling ramadhan with a toddler is indeed an adventure. gonna need all the help i could get!

Thursday 19 July 2012

The ipoh trip

So i took my daughter to ipoh for some urusan i need to settle. DH couldnt make it due to work commitment. Driving is out of question so i decided to take public transportation. So here's how the trip went. We took the sleeper coach on the Senandung Selatan train from JB Sentral to KL sentral. We took the 1.50 pm trip n we were going to overnight at my sister's and then travel back with her to Ipoh since she going back too, for work. We took the lower berth which is only RM 45! fricking cheaaaapppp...the comfier option would be the cabin which is a small room like compartment with two bunkbeds at RM115 per bed. I feel its expensive since it was just a 300++km trip n i need to spend on the flight back. And plus what if i share the room with a total stranger. I need to breastfeed hello. If we are to go to KL with DH, the three of us i would definitely consider the cabin! My review of the KTMB sleeper coach. I love it.LOooove it. But take into consideration should u want to try it out, that my daughter is one easy baby with minimum minimum hassle, and i really dont mind peeing with her perched on my knee. Hey what other options i had, there's just the two of us n i dont trust strangers okaaaayyyyy heheheeh. oh i need to get something done. Sambung later!

Infertility:the struggle part 2

When we finally decided we are going to seriously get fertility treatment, i got a huge kick in the gut. A lot was playing in my head. To resort to treatment made me think, so I AM infertile, am i not? i mean if u seek treatment that must mean you are. I was a bit mental for a while. Just a short while though, say a couple of days hahahah So this phase made me think, there are women out there who are hesitating to seek treatment cos they feel, hey this cant be it, i CANT be infertile?! I'm telling people nowadays, stop driving yourself nuts. This is a challenge God want u to face so suck it in n face it.Really, denial isnt gonna help one bit. We did our treatment at LPPKN. My research (mode of research:google.ahem) told me that at LPPKN KL you have to wait up to two month to get to see the doctor. Living in johor, i did mine at the HSA LPPKN clinic and got appointment straight away. it was like less than a week wait. The first visit, the nurse set appointment for pap smear n to get my blood tested in case my hormone level is the problem. On the day i was due to get my pap smear done which is the first time ever for any vajayjay-related examination, i got nervous n had my menses.Which is not even due.Its embarassing how much a wuss i am. hahahh The next day the nerve menses stopped (obviously) n had my papsmear done n blood taken for tests. The nurse then set appointment for husband n i to see the doctor for sperm count n the tests result. So on the fixed date we went to see the doctor. DH took the sperm test and we waited to see the doctor. Turns out his count was above average n i had no cervix problem whatsoever and hormon was okay. A bit of a low count but nothing serious. Next i had to do the xray to see if blocked fallopian tube was the scum. I had my HSG (hysterosalpingogram) done at HSI. word of advice the nurse at lppkn fail to inform me is no intercourse from the day aunt flow dried up to the day to do HSG. Hey more on that later in Infertility: the struggle part 3! heheheheheh

Friday 13 July 2012

blogging from inside the train!

My little girl n i are on our way to kl on board the sinaran selatan ktmb train. and im loving it.we took the lower berth in the sleeper coach. The one with rows of berth, not the horribly expensive but must be really cool two-bed rooms coach. Baby girl is asleep and im feeling the number 2 nature call! alaaaa....taknak la...although i did number one with my baby seated on my knees just now hahahah...i am pleased with the train n the trip so far.But then again, i am easily pleased hahahhha...tidak diva ye. will write more so all those mothers who needs to travel with their babies alone shall take the train.heheheheh.laters.

Monday 9 July 2012

at 14 months..

She's no baby, she's a toddler! At 14 months she's funnier than ever. the other day she puts coins (which she calls manni manni) into the piggy bank all by herself. she calls herself Manyem or Manem. which changes very now n then as her speech improves. we have fights every meal time because she insisted to feed herself. still clingy as ever. enjoys watching video of self. still enjoys the mirror.A LOT! she mimics flying Aeroplane with her hand. She's my funny baby!cant wait for mama-baby trip this weekend!

Sunday 8 July 2012

Infertility: the struggle

Issit because people are more opened up n sharing or the infertility rate is climbing fricking fast nowadays?!! nowadays when i turn my head there'll be a woman dealing with infertility, yours truly included. So i want to share my journey in the hopes that i might shed some light to those still wondering how they should begin (tu diaaaaa shed the light ni.over) Well, DH and i got hitched in 2006. We didnt want to get preggers straight away so we planned sans drugs, hormon pill etc. We wanted the first two years to chill n be romantic just the two of us. After the first two years we wanted babies. he wanted one. i was ITCHING for one. see, impatient.and i tell u infertility is definitely harder on crazy impatient people like yours truly. It turns out its not that easy. come 2009 i decided thats it. Lets reaaalllllyyy try. So we resort to fertility treatment. and that is in another entry. to be continued!

monday is hard on me

its monday again. The weekend was nice.went back kota tinggi for husband's nephew's wedding. But came back monday with diarhoea. nice. Im fasting today. Another day to go to ganti. So here's wishing i'll behave well n guard my words so that pahala tak kurus. I do have a tendency to bad mouth. sigh. Am planning my travelling to go back ipoh. Train from jb to kl sentral (am taking the bed coach.should be nice enough for baby and i) kl to ipoh with my sister who's driving to ipoh for work. ipoh to kl sentral on the ETS train klia to jb by flight I am looking forward to this trip. It is going to be just baby girl and i and my trusted boba carrier. i looooove my boba! Baby girl is going to enjoy it so much i can tell. She is into vehicles nowadays. Lorries and aeroplane and trains fascinate her so i think this trip is really in the right time. shall record 'crazy trip with one year old toddler just the two of us' in here,definitely!

Thursday 5 July 2012

one tired mommaaa

been meaning to blog everyday. now what happenedddddd.. i knew i was being too ambitious. need to pick up my baby girl. she's my happiness, my pick-me-up-right-away after a day of work. hello baby girl.i love you!

Wednesday 4 July 2012

the first post!!

I have been meaning to start blogging a while now. But it did took me a while to start.The intention to write is first and foremost to share. There's so many important friends and the people i love living far from me and by writing here i can reach them pretty much each time they check out this blog. Well,firstly there's the story of my journey battling (so to speak ;p) infertility and then there's of motherhood.and before that probably of conceiving and hypnobirth and of course early education and teaching my baby swimming lessons.there's so much to share and there's so many friends who are moms of mommy-hopefuls or mommy-to-bes or new mommies! So lets share and spread the love,no?! So that's it fer now.gonna go fix myself a fish soup dinner.oh,i mean to write on my struggle to lose weight (or rather, the lack of it.tsk). Till then, happy monday tomorrow peoplesss!