Friday 27 July 2012


Hey people!

have u heard of hypnobirth? well, u should! because hypnobirth will get you asking epidural whatttttt?

ha best gila my line, i belong in advertising.not. anyway, i lovvvveeee hypnobirth so this is a must share topic!
Lets see. how does my love story with hypnobirth begins?well, i was then pregnant and naturally started reading up on birth experience. true enough, most of the stories revolve around birthing being super painful, how epidural is a lifesaver, the works.
Now, I am such a wuss and have low tolerance to pain. I wanted to claim super low tolerance but i know there are poeple who are worse than me out there, so lets settle for just low.hahaha
so, I was starting to include epidural cost in my hospital budget. I was so sure im going to resort to epidural!
And then one day, a true wuss that i am, i googled PAINLESS BIRTH. If there's anyone out there who has done this before.then, hypnobirth is definitely for you.For i can imagine how scared u are of childbirth. mana la ada org begitu berharap n penakut gila n desperate smpai google such impossible key words kan.
that's how i came across hypnobirth. i read it up n contacted the only Malaysia practitioner, Soo Wai Han. u can find her at It was March. I delivered on the 1st of may. Alhamdulillah it was in the nick of time! I had enough time to practise n prepare!
Wai Han's classes are only available in Selangor, so i had no choice but to buy the book. I had 1 months plus to train myself with the hypnobirth technique. I was so into hypnobirth and natural birth. I even wanted to deliver at home. hahahah But since this is the first experience, i opted for hospital.
I managed to train DH since he's going to be my birth partner.We practise breathing, massages, discussed signs of delivery and such.
As much as i love the book, Im sure attending the class would be much much much better.
But i find the book super helpful, nonetheless.
Hypnobirth basically belief that u are able to control the level of pain u are experiencing through relaxation n breathing techniques. Come to think of it, how do you think some people gave birth quietly in the toilet, that even the person in the next cubicle was unable to tell?
As a matter of observation, DH keeps telling me he does not get how other mother's birthing experience is so scary when mine was easy. I almost smacked him. Trust me, it might look easy and undercontrol to people around you, but was it really. NO FREAKING WAY. and thats the beauty of hypnobirth!
So i suggest u prego women who are unable to attend the the class to get the book from the website! super empowering!! expecially you penakuts out there!hahahah
ok toodles!later: my birthing experience!

1 comment:

  1. boleh x jualkan buku tu kat i...i am pregnant 25 weeks now n ingin sangat try hypnobirthing this time.. email i at
