Monday 16 September 2013

and... im back!

How have you been?
Im writing after a year of hiatus!
Im inconsistent like that,I know!
I have decided that Im not the diary-writing sort of person. So writing down daily happenings is not my thing.Plus my life is mundane anyways.
Butttttt, I do love to share so now that I got some interesting stuff to share, so share I shall!

Yay husband and I!
I have made up my mind, this journey is going to end up with a child, be it through pregnancy or adoption. May Allah Makes it easy for the three of us..
Anyhow, I have also come down to a solid conclusion that my TTC project is not going to be as straight forward as doing the baby dance every other night. Or charting basal body temp,or ovulation test and all the classic works. Those are going to be in the second phase of the project *see how Im adressing it as a Project? thats how determine I am this time around okayyyyyy!*

And so Im presenting the first phase of the Project Baby #2....THE WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!

Suprise much? dont be. Im sure every overweight/obese hopeful moms out there have been advised to lose some weight prior to TTC.When I found out I was carrying my Maryam, I have just lost a total of 5kgs at the time of conception. Went down from 74 to 68kgs,no less.heh! Im generally pissed with fertile people who goes around asking me when the second one is coming, but I believe I have rant in a whole post on that. But I also hate their reaction upon hearing that Im trying to lose weight before getting fertility treatment. Some people would go naming people they know who were obese but able to concieve. Or giving out free "professional" opinion that being obese is not the reason one is unable to concieve. Eh, if you know the exact reason why I am not able to concieve as yet, pray tell. These people have not a single empathetic bone in them.Stay away from them at all cost if you,like me are obese and trying to concieve. I digress.

So, all negativity aside *shooing negative vibe out the window* here I will be sharing on my weight loss journey. Im giving myself 3 months to lose around 13 kilos healthily so watch out this space for more updates! Laters!

1 comment:

  1. Aaa…how's it going with the weight loss. I am pretty much doing the same! Trying for new baby soon but gotta lose some of the baby fat.Take care buddy.
