Sunday 5 August 2012

Iftar Pak Dollah Air Tawar 4 style

Semalam had the chance to go back to kota tinggi for iftar. And a bit of shopping.
We do go back often since its dekat and secretly, I do it for the inlaws.
FIL n MIL dok berdua je at home and I can tell how lonely they are. Maryam is a therapy for them. its worthwhile to see them laughing at her antics, playing with her. If only I could do the same for my mom. The 500km distance that separates us...haishh..

aaaanyway, kat rumah my in laws food memang always in abundance. Tak pernahnya makanan x cukup or ngam ngam. they always overdo at meal times.taking iftar semalam for example,
the food were;

nasik putih
leftover bihun
ayam masak merah
udang goreng
sotong sumbat
tetel ungkep
kerang sambal (beli)
sayur lemak
telur puyuh sambal (beli)
ikan goreng leftover
almost 6 types of kuih
air teh o, laici, kathira
and only FOUR people were there.

crazy i'm telling you. My FIL is called pak dollah anyway, hence the title! hahahha
even husband was baffled at how much food there were
I tell you, the inlaws contributes to 40% of me being obese.
the other 60% was my own doing!hahahah
But the best part is we get to bring the food home for sahur.yeah we are cheap (and spoilt)like that. not to mention the tetel ungkep was faaaabbbbbb!

I miss having iftar with my mom. tahun ni mungkin sempat sehari je before raya.
The simplicity of it, my mom worrying if the food tak habis.
I miss home.

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