Sunday 12 August 2012

My birth story : my first born Part 2

Lets continue from where we left off
The doctor insisted on giving me pitocin despite my objection. He said its not an option since the baby has already pooped.
I was then strapped to the ECG machine. I had asked to let me walk around because I dont want to deal with the contraction lying down on the bed.
The doctor refuses since my water was already broken.
I had no choice but to go through contraction on the bed. So I chose the best option available, laboring on my left side. they nurse did ask me to turn on my back for VE and delivery and boy did it hurt! Im telling you, labor on your side .i dont know how women endure contraction on their backs!madness!

I then asked husband to get the nurse to teach him to read the ECG lines so we can be left alone and husband would know should the baby gets stressed.
At this point the pain was about a minute apart. The nurse offered me Pethidine to which i quickly said no. I wanted my baby to come under no effect of painkiller whatsoever.

So we were left alone and had our mcD bubur ayam n nuggets in the labor gila doctor was so cool x kisah kitorang makan2. and i listened to surah alquran on the mp3. hypnobirth tip:listen to relaxation music that u have been listening over n over/familiar with. you will get the cd along with the book. only i chose to listen to surah alquran that i am familiar with and has been reading over n over. which is surah maryam. husband felt smart and downloaded a different surah in the mp3.i swear i was so angry at him.tip:please remind your husband to follow instruction and dont simply decide for listening material during labor.he's not the one popping babies ye!

at one point the pain was so intense i was sure i was at least 6 cm dilated. Called the nurse and ask her to do VE, although initially i did not want VE and even the nurses did not insist on it. but i was a bit mental at this point hahahah
and she said i was 4cm on.four? just four? heck, bring on the pethidine!i said.
i do regret taking it tho cos the pain didnt lessen one bit!

At some point the pain was intense that i lost track of my breathing so husband stood beside me the whole time, guiding my breathing and applying pressure.he just stood there for hours! while at the same time checking the baby's heartbeat. i tell you.that guy is a great birth partner, no question!

Well, I was birthing on my own when the nurse came in and saw baby was already crowning. i was fully dilated.So she alerted the doctor and pleaded me to push the baby out before the doctor came and force me to push. now, i did not want to push until i really feel the urge.I was relaxly breathing the baby down.

I remembered reading somewhere that once you start talking and thinking craziest thoughts, Most likely youre fully dilated.true enough, that was my cue. hypnobirth suggest you not to talk to save energy. so i had this crazy thought in my head. Looked at my mom on my left (yes, besides husband, my mom was there with me the whole time too.yay!) and thought how could she do this for ten times! and looked at my husband, if i hadnt slept with him this wouldnt have happened! why did i do this to myself!why didnt i just opt for ceasarean!why didnt i take epidural!hahahahah im telling you.those were the pain talking! dont believe any of it.but dont brush it aside either, cos thats actually your cue to being fully dilated! but most importantly dont talk cos itll definitely take energy out of you.

At 2.45 the doctor came in, chewing gum, no less! Ask me to quickly push the baby out "lemas nanti!" i lost my hypno what not, pushed, felt the ring of fire, got episiotomy, which hurt like hell despite people "tak rasa pun", and at 2.47am the baby came.

it was kelamkabut towards the end that i forgot to ask the doctor to let husband cut the umbilical cord. I didnt even get to bond with the baby straight away cos she was put under observation due to the pooping. oh but husband (super birth partner yooo!)held the camcorder the whole time and took the labor and delivery video. the doctor was so cool allowing us to record!

I asked the doctor to be released the same day but he insisted i stayed another day since my 2 day one night package wasnt yet used up.pffft. i hate hospitals.regardless how comfortable!
oh and the best part was turn out baby was perfectly fine. she was not stressed at all the whole time and came out relaxed. Baby didnt cry straight away and the doctor didnt mind. no smacking of the butt and all. i guess as long as she was breathing fine, shouldnt be a problem.

was discharged the next day, and mommyhood began!

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